Divine Encounters

My husband’s friend asked him if he thought miracles still happened. This began a deep discussion on the definition of a miracle. According to the dictionary the definition is: an effect or extraordinary event in the physical world that surpasses all known human or natural powers and is ascribed to a supernatural cause.

The bible is full of stories of the miraculous works of God and I believe they are still happening today. It’s easy to agree that God protecting and providing for Noah and his family in the flood or the parting of the Red Sea or raising people from the dead were all miracles. But it’s also a miracle when God protects and provides for each and every one of our needs. When He removes obstacles in our lives or provides a way through them and when He brings a sinner back to life in Him.

In my quest to have daily God Adventures I come across people who are walking miracles. People who God placed in my path for a purpose. Those are called Divine Encounters.

I have become more aware of these Divine Encounters over the last few years and wanted to step it up. Noticing them and connecting with them is just the beginning. I want to share them with others so that others may see and understand that they too are having Divine Encounters all the time and by being aware of them, we can participate in them more.

Each Sunday I will share about one of the Divine Encounters I experienced that week. I pray this will help me to be more watchful for those moments and that it will encourage others to share their Divine Encounters as well.