You Matter

I read a bible study about a man that chose to see the God Adventures in each day.  He deliberately made sure to seek them out and share them with his family.  People that God had placed in his path, moments of quiet awe with God, words of encouragement and sometimes a simple smile or greeting given to a stranger.

One example was to thank a cashier or waiter by name.  What a gift from God that they wear name tags….those are opportunities from God to have a God Adventure!

I was challenged to do the same and what I’ve found is that it gives me such excitement and purpose each day and God does not miss a day.  I might miss the moment, but He always has them available.  I’ve been writing about them in my journal and it’s such a beautiful thing to re-read the past few months and see all the amazing moments that God has opened my eyes to and let me be a part of….He is so amazing!

I invite you to join me on these God Adventures.  You are a perfect candidate because you have been a God Adventure to me and I thank you for that.  Thank you for making a difference in my life!

There are so many people in this world that don’t know that they matter.  We can make a difference in their lives by letting them know that they do matter.  I printed some “You Matter” cards and I’ve challenged myself to give them out freely and often.  My granddaughters have joined me in this and when they give a card to a cashier or stranger, they always say, “Thank you for being part of my day.”  It’s the sweetest thing and I know it makes a difference for everyone involved.

If you would like to receive some cards so that you can join us in this God Adventure, please contact me using the form below.  I pray you will experience the same excitement and joy that comes from being a part of God’s work and that you will look forward to this challenge with a mindset of, “What next God!  I want another one God!”