Easter – Resurrection Sunday

He is not here; He has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where He lay. (Matthew 28:6) I would have liked to walk with Mary Magdalene and the other ladies as they made their way to the tomb that morning. Mostly because I know how their day was going to turn out and I would have loved to see the amazement on their faces…

Holy Week – Saturday – In The Stillness

What just happened! Yesterday was a day like no other and the believers were emotionally crushed and in observance of the Sabbath, were at their homes. The stillness must have been deafening compared to the uproar of the events the day before. How their minds must have been trying to remember the words that Jesus spoke and comprehend their meaning now that He was dead and buried. Was this real…

Holy Week – Good Friday

In order to prepare my mind and heart for today I read each version of the Good Friday events from Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. I’m a visual learner and as I read the passages my mind would recall the scenes from the movie The Passion. Tears filled my eyes as I read about the brutal treatment that was given to my Lord. I thought of how exhausted He…